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The following is a list of antique clock manufacturers that used model names.

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Adams, Charles
Allied Mfg Co
Allied Precision
American Clock Co (8)
American Graphaphone Co
Ansonia (2868)
Arrow Industries
Arthur, James
Arthur Pequenat Clock Co
Atkins, MW and Co (2)
Atkins, Whiting and Co (6)
Atkins Clock Co (51)
Attleboro (3)
Baird Clock Co (2)
Bally Mfg Co
Barr Mfg Co (2)
Bawo and Dotter (2)
Bayard (4)
Bechot and Fils
Becker, Christian
Becker, Gustav (6)
Beha, JB (2)
Beha, Johann Baptiste (2)
Bingham, BD (2)
Birge and Fuller
Black Forest Clock Co (2)
Blanc Fils
Boardman, Chauncey
Bond, Wm and Son (3)
Boston Clock Co (26)
Bostwick and Burgess
Bradford, KJ
Bradley (2)
Bradley and Hubbard (40)
Brewster and Ingraham (4)
Bridgeport Brass Co (2)
Bristol Brass and Clock Co
British United Clock Co
Brown, George W
Brown, JC (2)
Brunswick Balke Collender Co (2)
Bull, John Clock Co
Bulle (2)
Burleigh, TE Jr (2)
Burroughs Co, The (12)
Camerer, Cuss and Co
Campos, Foster (29)
Carter, LF and WW (7)
Ceramic Clock Co
Chandler, Abiel
Chelsea Clock Co (394)
Classical Clock Co (3)
Cline, Wayne R (20)
Clock Trade Enterprises
Coe and Co
Colonial Clock Co (2)
Colonial Mfg (4)
Colonial Mfg Co (13)
Columbia Time Products
Connecticut Clock Co
Crane, Aaron (2)
Davies (4)
Davies, HJ (7)
Davis, Polsey and Co (2)
Deluxe Clock Co (2)
Dent (3)
Dibdin and Co
Didisheim Goldschmidt Fils and Co
Differential Power Clock Co
Dorne, George (6)
Dungan and Klump (8)

Dykes Bros
Eastman Clock Co (3)
Edison, Thomas A (7)
Elgin National Watch Co (3)
Eureka Clock Co (2)
Evans, WF (2)
Farcot (2)
Feishtinger, Charles (4)
Forestville Mfg Co (2)
Frodsham, Charles
Fuji Clock Co
Furtwangler, Lorenz and Sohne
Furtwangler, L and Sohne
Gale, DJ (4)
Gazo Family Clock Factory (2)
General Electric (7)
General Electric Clock Co
Gilbert (44)
Gilbert, Wm L (469)
Gilbert Clock Co (102)
Gisholt Machine Co
Globe Clock Co (2)
Golay et Co
Goodwin, W
Griesbaum, Karl (10)
Gubelin and Co
Guilmet (13)
Hamilton Clock Co
Hamilton Watch Co (53)
Hammond Clock Co (4)
Harvard Clock Co
Hatch, George D (2)
Hatch, JB
HA Best Lamp Co
Heeren Bros and Co
Heinrich, HH
Hermle and Sohn
Herschede Clock Co (31)
Herschede Hall Clock Co (4)
Herwick, William (2)
Herz, M
Hills, George
Hoadley, Silas (4)
Holden, Eli
Holland, Charlie
Horolovar Co (62)
Household Necessities
Howard, A (4)
Howard, D (2)
Howard, E and Co (477)
Howard and Davis (56)
Hunt, John
Hunter and Edwards
Ingersoll (3)
Ingraham, E (583)
Ingraham Clock Co (21)
International Business Machines (2)
International Time Recorder (5)
Ithaca Calendar Clock Co (375)
Ives, Joseph (6)
Jaeger (5)
Jaeger-LeCoultre (6)
Jahresuhrenfabrik (3)
Jansen, FW Clock Co (2)
Japy Freres et Cie (10)
Jefferson Electric Co (4)
Jennings Brothers Mfg Co
Jerome, Augustus Smith
Jerome, Chauncey (18)
Jerome and Co (33)
Jerome Clock Co
Johnson, Nels

Jones, George A (6)
Jones, George W
Junghans (122)
Kaiser (5)
Kaiser, J
Keebler Clock Co (6)
Kennedy, T
Kieninger and Obergfell
Kienzle (2)
Kroeber, F (243)
Lawson Time
Lemania Watch Co
Lenzkirch (29)
LeRoy and Fils
Lewis, BB (4)
Le Coultre (9)
Le Roy
Loheide Manufacturing Co
Loheide Mfg Co
Lovell Manufacturing Co (2)
Lux (60)
Macomb Calendar Clock Co
Marti, L
Mastercrafters (22)
Maurice Phillipe Favre-Bulle
Mercer, Thomas (2)
Mermod Freres
Meyer Uhrenfabrik
Mi-Ken (4)
Miller, Howard
Miller, Irving and Co
Mixed Lot (7)
Moreau, August (3)
Moreau, LF
Mougin (2)
Mueller, Carl
Muller, Nicholas and Sons (3)
Munger, Asa (3)
Munger and Benedict
National Calendar Clock Co (4)
National Clock Co (3)
National Magnetic Clock Co
Negretti and Zambra
New England Clock Co (3)
New Haven (654)
Norman, Matthew
Oswald Uhrenfabrik (46)
Owens, George B (4)
Parker and Whipple (2)
Parker Clock Co (5)
Parkinson and Frodsham
Patek Philippe
Paul, Michael (3)
Pennwood Numechron (2)
Pequegnat, Arthur Clock Co (2)
Perkins, Thomas
Polsey, J (2)
Polyphon Musicwerke (3)
Poole Manufacturing Co (15)
Pratt, Daniel, Son (2)
Prentiss (5)
Prentiss Clock Improvement Co (11)
Progressive Mfg
Raingo Freres
Regina Music Box Co (7)
Rempe Manufacturing Co
Resch Gebruder
Revere Clock Co
Rollin (4)

Russell and Jones Clock Co (5)
Salem Clock Co
Salisbury (3)
Schatz and Sohne (4)
Schiff Brothers
Self Winding Clock Co (30)
Sessions (165)
Sewill, J
Simplex Time Recorder Co (4)
Smiths Clock Co
Smith and Goodrich
Southern Calendar Clock Co (114)
Southern Clock Co (2)
Sperry and Shaw
Spring and Co (2)
Standard Electric Time Co (3)
Stennes, Elmer O (17)
Sullivan, TJ (2)
Swiss Clock Co
Swoboda, N
Telechron (17)
Terry, Eli
Terry, Samuel
Terryville Manufacturing Co (2)
Terry and Andrews
Terry and Sons
Terry Clock Co (28)
Theodore Terry and Co
The American Wringer Co
Thomas, Seth (2698)
Thwaites and Reed
Tiffany and Co (3)
Tiffany Electric Mfg Co (5)
Tiffany Never Wind Clock Corp
Timby (3)
Titcomb, Enoch
Turner, Ansel
United Clock Co (19)
United Electric Clock Corp (11)
United Metal Goods
United States Clock Co
Unsigned (111)
Victor Talking Machine Co
Vincenti (2)
Vulliamy (2)
Waltham (55)
Waltham Watch Co (11)
Warren Clock Co (7)
Warren Telechron
Waterbury Clock Co (966)
Wayne Cline (4)
Welch, EN (420)
Welch, Spring and Co (199)
Westclox Co (38)
Western Clock Co (5)
Whiting, LE (2)
Wilder, CS (2)
Willard (3)
Willard, Simon
Willard Jr, Aaron
William and G Hutchinson
Wintermantel Uhrenfabrik
Wurlitzer, Rudolph Co
Yale Clock Co (3)
Year Clock Co
Zenith (2)
Haddon Products Inc (4)

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