Find Clocks By Maker's Name
Find out what dealers and collectors have actually paid for antique grandfather, mantel or wall clocks like yours. Covers American, European and Continental clocks of all types.
We have 38,769 antique clock prices, images and descriptions as of January 18, 2025.
Search Hint: Individual's names are listed by their last name first.
Examples: Makers such as "Seth Thomas" or "Eli Terry" are found under the letter "T" as Thomas, Seth or Terry, Eli
Firms with multiple names are listed under the first letter of the first name used.
Example: The firm "Parker and Whipple" is found under the letter "P" |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
ODO (3)
OG Clock Co (2)
Oliver, Daniel
Oliver, John
Olsen, Chris
Omega Watch Co (2)
One Hand Clock Co (14)
Oppenheim, W
Orange (2)
Ortner, RP
Orton, Preston and Co
Osborne, Shelden
Oswald Uhrenfabrik (77)
Oudin, Chs (4)
Ourry (2)
Outdoor Supply Co
Owens, George B (17)
Owens, Owen
Owen and Clark (2)