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Thousands of books have been written on all aspects of clocks and clockmaking. Listed below are ones you might find particularly useful if you are trying to learn more about your clock or its maker.

Many of these volumes are now out of print and available only from used book dealers. We will be adding to this list as time goes on. If you would like to recommend a book we do not yet have listed, please do so by emailing us.


Watchmakers and Clockmakers of the World. 2 vols., Baillie, G.H., and Brian Loomes. London: N.A.G. Press, Ltd., 1988. Volume I lists approx. 36,000 former watch and clockmakers from throughout the world, with their localities and dates, from the 14 century up to the year 1825. Volume II adds another 35,000 names, mainly post-1825.A gold mine of information for both amatuers and dealers alike. Assists in the identification of makers and the establishment of age and nationality of antique watches and clocks.

Britten's Old Clocks and Watches and Their Makers: a Historical and Descriptive Account of the Different Styles of Clocks and Watches of the Past in England and Abroad Containing a List of Nearly Fourteen Thousand Makers; Baillie, G.H.; C. Clutton; C.A. Ilbert; New York: Bonanza, 1956. Seventh Edition. 518pp, Illustrations: 182 Plates, and 40 Figures (drawings), glossary of technical terms, hall marks, bibliography, list of nearly 14,000 former clock and watch makers.

The Old Clock Book, Moore, N. Hudson, Tudor Publishing, 1936. (a number of different editions, both prior and subsequent) 330 pages,104 photographs. A history of clocks from earliest times up to the 20th century. Emphasis on American and English clocks and clockmakers, with good information on the New England clocks and their manufacturers. Contains a list of 4598 European and American namesof clockmakers. Also gives advice on the care and repair of clocks.

The History of Clocks and Watches, Bruton, Eric U.K., Grange Books 2002. (reprint) 224pp, black and white and color illustrations; traces the history of time measurement devices from early civilization to the present

European Pendulum Clocks - Decorative Instruments of Measuring Time, Heuer, Peter and Maurice, Klaus; West Chester, PA Schiffer Pub. Co. 1988. 334 pp. 730 color & b/w illustrations. "This volume studies, in chronological order, three types of large clocks-wall, cabinet and free-standing, with particular attention to clocks from France, England, Holland, Scandinavia and the German-speaking countries. The emphasis is on French clocks due to recent great interest in the trade of these among collectors. The English clocks, still favored by a large group of collectors, are strongly represented here and there are several beautiful examples from Holland. The German speaking area, including Austria, Germany, and Switzerland are also well represented especially with clocks from south Germany."

The Clock Book: Being a Description of Foreign and American Antique Clocks, and a List of Their Makers, Nutting, Wallace; NY: Garden City, 1935. (also available in subsequent reprints) Profusely illustrated, including 250 black and white photos of clocks and their descriptions. Includes a list of Americn Clockmakers and a separate 2 page list of foreign clock makers.

Revolution in Time: Clocks and the Making of the Modern World, Landes, David S.
Cambridge, MA, U.S.A.: Harvard University Press, 1983. 482 pp; illustrated. The book is divided into 3 parts. Part I poses the question of how and why so seminal an invention (the mechanical clock) occurred in Europe and remained a European monopoly for some 500 years; Part II is an essay in the history of science and technique; Part III deals with the people who made clocks and watches and the way they made them.


Canadian Clocks and Clockmakers, Burrows, G. Edmond. Oshawa, Ontario, 1973; 506 pp., profusely illustrated, comprehensive examination of clockmaking in Canada

Clock and Watchmakers and Allied Workers in Canada, 1700-1900, Langdon, John E. Toronto: Anson-Cartwright Editions, 1976: 195 pp. A directory of the names of clock and watchmakers in Canada from 1700 to 1900


England - General

The Old English Master Clockmakers And Their Clocks 1670-1820, Cescinsky, Herbert; Stratford: The New England Publishing Co. 1975. Reprint of 1938 edition. 182 pages, 275 illustrations. A good guide to the major British clockmakers of the eighteenth century and their work.

British Clockmakers & Watchmakers, Apprentice Records,1710-1810; Moore, Dennis; Ashbourne., 2003. 367 pp. "The apprenticeship details of over 14,000 horological tradesmen have been extracted from the tax records in the Public Records Office and are listed under the apprentice as well as the master. The listing includes apprentices in the Clockmakers Company, apprentices in other London companies and, most importantly, provincial names which have never before been published."

England - By City or District Location


Watch and Clock Makers in the City of Bath, White, Dr. I; Ticehurst 1996


Watch and Clockmakers of Birmingham, McKenna, Joseph, Birmingham 1986


Clock and Watchmakers of Buckinghamshire, Legg, Edward, Bradwell Abbey Field Centre, 1976

Central England:

Clockmakers & Watchmakers of Central England, McKenna, Joseph; 368 pages, 300 illus., 1 map, 2002. Covers makers in Birmingham, Coventry, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and Staffordshire. Also has information on Uttoxeter case makers, Newcastle-under-Lyme movement makers, and Birmingham dialmakers and dial painters.


Chepstow Clock and Watch Makers, Ivor Walters; Chepstow 1980


Clockmakers of Cheshire, Appleby, Keith; 152 pages, illus., 1999


Chester Clock and Clockmakers, Nicholas Moore, Chester Museum 1976


Clock and Watchmaking in Colchester, England, Mason, Bernard. . Feltham, England: Country Life, Ltd., 1969.


Cornish Clocks and Clockmakers, Brown, Howard M. . Newton Abbot, England: David and Charles, 1970


Clockmakers of Cumberland, Penfold, John B. . Ashford, England: Brant Wright Association, Ltd., 1977.


Clockmakers & Watchmakers of Derbyshire 256 pages, illus., 1998


Devon Clock and Watchmakers, Ponsford, Clive; David & Charles, 1985

Devonshire Clockmakers, Bellchambers, Jack Kenneth, Totnes, England: Devonshire Press Ltd., 1962.


Dorset Clocks & Clockmakers with a supplement on the Channel Islands; Tribe, Tom & Whatmoor, Phillip; England: Tanat Books, 1981. 234 pp., illustrated.


Dunfermline Clocks, Hudson, Felix; Dunfermline 1982


Time in Exeter, Ponsford, C.; Exeter 1978


Gloucestershire Clock and Watch Makers, Dowler, Graham; Phillimore. 1984. 230pp. Illustrated throughout with b&w photographs and line drawings. Lists all the Gloucestershire makers whos names have been traced, in all about 650. In many instances details of their family history are included.


Marking Time in Hamilton, Wallace, W.; Hamilton 1981


Directory of Hampshire Clockmakers; Norgate, Martin; approx. 250 pages. A complete listing of Hampshire clockmakers, including the Isle of Wight, up to about 1939. The entry for each maker includes working dates and addresses where known.


The Clockmakers of Hertfordshire, Tyler, E.J. Ticehurst, 1997; 40 pages

Hull & East Riding:

Hull and East Riding Clocks, J.E.S. Walker,UK: Hornses Museum, 1982. The well-illustrated exhibition catalogue. Including a directory of their makers before 1900.


Kent Clocks and Clockmakers; Pearson, Michael; Mayfield, 1997. 320 p. With 206 black and white ill. map and 13 color illustrations. Details Kent's early turret clocks, and the history of the county's most influential clockmakers. There is a comprehensive list of over 1200 clockmakers from the earliest times up to the nineteenth century, while appendices gives extracts from local eighteenth - century and early ninenteenth - century newspapers relating to clocks and watches, and clockmakers listed by town.


Lancashire Clocks and Clockmakers, Loomes, Brian , Newton Abbot, Devon, United Kingdom: David & Charles Publishers, 1975. 184 pp.


Leicestershire Clockmakers, Daniell, John, Leicestershire, England: Leicestershire Museums, Art Galleries and Records Service, 1975.


Lincolnshire Clockmakers, Walker, J.E.S.; Lincolnshire Libraries, 1995

Lincolnshire Clock, Watch and Barometer Makers Wilbourn & Ellis; Lincoln: Hansord, Ellis and Wilbourn, 2001. 196 pages, 45 plates; with lists of clock and Watchmakers of Lincolnshire. A very detailed book with a vast source of information.


Clockmakers’ Company: The Clockmakers of London, G.S.J. White (London 1998)


Nantwich Clockmakers, A.A. Treherne (Nantwich Museum 1986


Clockmaking in Oxfordshire, 1400-1850, Beeson, C.F.C. . 1989, 3rd edition, pp 193 + index, with 37 plates. A facsimile reprint of the enlarged 2nd edition (1967) of the classic regional study of clockmaking, augmented by a biographical introduction and a full index by A.V. Simcock, Librarian of the Museum of the History of Science, Oxford.

Norfolk and Norwich:

Norfolk and Norwich Clockmakers, Bird, Clifford and Yvonne (Editors): Chichester: Phillimore, 1996. 223 pages, 123 illus., 1996. A well-researched volume recording the details of over 1000 Norfolk craftsmen. Well illustrated, with many fine, previously unpublished photographs of both the ordinary and most elegant of clocks.

Northern England

North Country Clockmakers of the 17th, 18th, and 19th Centuries, Reid, C. L.
102 pages, 6 plates, 1925. Published in a volume of publications by the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Clockmakers of Northern England, Loomes, Brian: UK: 1977; 320pp over 400 b/w photos showing work of some 850 clockmakers

Northumberland and Durham:

Clockmakers of Northumberland and Durham, Keith Bates, Northumberland 1980


Clock and watchmakers of Nottinghamshire (H. Mather, Nottingham 1979)


Clocks and Clockmakers of Salisbury, Michael Snell, Salisbury 1986


Shropshire Clock and Watchmakers, D. Elliott, (Phillimores, 1979


Somerset Clockmakers, J.K. Bellchambers, (Torquay 1969)

Somerset Clockmakers, Ramsgate, England: Antiquarian Horological Society, 1968


Stamford Clocks and Watches, L. Tebbutt (Stamford 1975


Old Stirling Clockmakers (including Those in St. Nimians Up to 1900); Allan, Charles; Stirling: Charles Allan, 1990; 111 pages, illustrated


Suffolk Clocks and Clockmakers & Supplement, Haggar, Arthur L., F.B.H.I.& Miller, Leonard F. C.M.B.H.I.; London: The Antiquarian Horological Society, 1974; 169 pp. + folding map and 50 pp of plates, with 131 b/w photo illustrations. Plus supplement up to page 203, and with a further 13 b/w photo illustrations.


The Clockmakers of Sussex, Tyler, E.J.The Watch and Clock Book Society Ltd., 40pp., b&w illus. Guide to the manufacturers of clocks and watches of Sussex.


Clocks and Clockmakers of Tiverton, Ponsford C.N., Scott, J.G.M. & Authers, W.P., Published by the Authors, Tiverton 1977. B/w photographs. 64pp inc index,

Warwick and Leamington:

Clockmakers of Warwick and Leamington, Seaby, Wilfred A., Warwickshire Museum, 1981; 64 pp.


Watch and Clockmakers of Warwickshire, McKenna, Joseph; Birmingham Pendulum Press nd. 57 pages. 8vo. Some good black and white illustrations and detailed lists of clockmakers of the area.


Westmoreland Clocks and Clockmakers. B. Loomes, North Pomfret, VT: David and Charles, 1974.


The Clockmakers & Watchmakers of Wigan 1650 - 1850; Hawkes, Arthur John Wigan: Arthur J. Hawkes, 1950. 84pp. Book about William Barker, Thomas Bridge, John Burges, Archibald Coats, Peter Fearnley & Laurance Leicester.


Yorkshire Clockmakers, Loomes, Brian; Littleborough: George Kelsall, 1985; 196 pages plus index, illustrated, 2nd edition, 1985. A listing with biographical information of Yorkshire clock and watch makers.

The Old Clockmakers of Yorkshire, Dinsdale, N.V. Clapham, via Lancaster Yorkshire: The Dalesman Publishing Company, 1972. A comprehensive survey of clockmakers in Yorkshire from the earliest times to the 1860's. The introductory chapters cover the progression of styles of cases, movements, dials, and hands. The main body contains biographical information on about 1,700 clockmakers and watchmakers. with 24 b&w plate


Carriage Clocks, Allix, Charles, Woodbridge, England: Baron Publishing, 1974.

Dictionnaire des Horlogers Français, Tardy, Paris, 1972. 2 vols in 1. 760 pp. Ills

La Pendule Française, (De l'Empire à nos Jours) Consulat - Napoléon Ier - Louis XVIII - Charles X - Louis Philippe - Napoléon III - Moderne' style - 1925. Tardy, Paris: 1961. 290 documents iconographiques


Die Uhrenmacher des hohen Schwarzwaldes und ihre Werke, Bender, Gerd. Villingen/Schwarzwald: Verlag Muller, 1975.

Black Forest Clocks, Tyler, Eric John, N.A.G. Press, London 1977. 120 pages. Profusely illustrated in b/w and color.

Black Forest Clocks; Ortenburger, Rick; published 1991 by Schiffer. 266 pp., b/w & color photos

The Netherlands

Dutch Antique Domestic Clocks, Sellink, J.L., Bronxville, NY: Clock Trade Enterprises, 1973.


A List of Irish Watch and Clock Makers, Fennell, Geraldine, Dublin: Stationery Office, 1963.


Dizionario degli Orologiai Italiani, 1300-1880, Morpurgo, Enrico, Rome: Edizioni "La Clessidra," 1950


Watchmakers and Clockmakers in Russia, 1400-1850, Chenakal, Valentin L., W.F. Ryan, trans. Ramsgate, England: Antiquarian Horological Society, 1972.


A Handbook and Directory of Old Scottish Clockmakers from 1453-1850, Smith, John, Edinburgh, 1903. Reprint. New York: British Book Centre, 1975.
SMITH (John):

Old Scottish Clockmakers from 1540 to 1850, Smith, John;
97 pages, 1st edition, 1903. The first book on Scottish clock makers with lots of biographical information.

United States

The American Clock: A Comprehensive Pictorial Survey, 1723-1900, Distin, William H., and Robert Bishop, New York: E.P. Dutton and Co., 1976.

Two Hundred Years of American Clocks and Watches, Bailey, Chris H., Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., A Rutledge Book, 1975.

The Book of American Clocks, Palmer, Brooks. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1950.

A Treasury of American Clocks. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1967.

The Complete Checklist of American Clock and Watchmakers 1640-1950, Edwards, John.; Stratford, CT: New England Publishing Co., 1977. Contains a list of more than 4,000 American clock and watch makers listing the places at which they were working and approximate dates.

Cincinnati Silversmiths, Jewelers, Watch & Clockmakers, Beckman, Elizabeth D., Cincinnati: B.B. and Co., 1975.

Connecticut Clock Technology of Joseph Ives 1810-1862, Roberts, Kenneth D. . Bristol, CT: American Clock and Watch Museum, 1970.

Eli Terry and the Connecticut Shelf Clock. Bristol, CT: K. Roberts Publishing Co., 1973.

Connecticut Clockmakers of the 18th Century, Hoopes, Penrose R. . New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1930.

Clockmakers of the Concord, Massachusetts Community, National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors Supplement #5., Columbia, PA: National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Inc., 1967

New Hampshire Clocks and Clockmakers, Parsons, Charles S. . Exeter, NH: Adams Brown Co., 1976. 356pp. Illustrated by over 550 B&W illustrations

Clocks and Watches of New Jersey, Drost, William E. Elizabeth, NJ: Engineering Publishers, 1966. 291 p. Profusely illustrated. Cloth. The standard reference work on the subject, and the only book devoted exclusively to New Jersey clocks. Contains an alphabetical biographical directory of clock- and watchmakers, superb photographs of both cases and works, and considerable other information.

Pennsylvania Clocks and Clockmakers: An Epic of Early American Science, Industry, and Craftsmanship, Eckhardt, George H., New York, NY U.S.A.: Bonanza Books, 1955; 229 pages; b & w illustrations; gives a detailed account of Pennsylvania tall case clocks and their European antecedents. It tells of their makers, who included Benjamin Franklin and Matthias Baldwin (of locomotive fame), and of the part of clocks played in the development of Pennsylvania. The book contains rare information on clock music, on the theory of clocks and their operation; on identification, appraisal, repair, and restoration; on Pennsylvania watches and watch papers. A most valuable feature is the annotated list of all known watch-and clockmakers in Philadelphia and in Pennsylvania general.

Clockmakers of Lancaster County [PA] and Their Clocks 1750-1850, Wood, Stacy B.C. and Stephen E. Kramer III. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1977. 224pp. Full page illustrations of clocks, clock faces, clock movements, and copies of original ads for clocks. A study of the clockmakers of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and their work, including the cases, the dials, and the movements. Illustrated by B&w photos and illustrations.

Chester County [PA] Clocks and Their Makers, James, Arthur Edwin, West Chester, PA: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. 1997. First published in 1947 and still recognized as the most authoritative text on the subject. Includes valuable information on every clockmaker known to have been working in Chester County before 1840.

Shaker Clockmakers. Gibbs, James W. & Robert W. Meador; Columbia, Pennsylvania: National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors. Supplement to the Bulletin of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, No. 7 (Summer, 1972). B/w illustrations. 32 pp.

Vermont Clock and Watchmakers, Silversmiths, and Jewelers 1788-1878, Stinehour 1970. B&W Illustrations; 313 pp


Clock and Watch Makers in Wales, Peate, Iorwerth Cyfeiliog. Published by the National Museum of Wales, 1975 (3rd Revised Edition). 112pp plus 7 b & w plates

Wales Clocks & Clockmakers, Linnard, William 270 pages, illustrated.

A Comprehensive Account of Watch and Clockmakers in Cardiff, The Valleys and the Vale of Glamorgan; 80 pages + 44 page appendix, figs., 1999. The appendix is a facsimile of a catalogue and price list issued by Howell Morgan of Blaengarw, circa 1900


Clockmaking in Europe: German, Austrian, Swiss, French Trademarks, Kochmann, Karl. Concord, CA: Antique Clock Publishing, 1977.


Clock Repairing and Making. A Practical Handbook dealing with the Tools, Materials and Methods used in Cleaning and Repairing All Kinds of English and Foreign Timepieces, Striking and Chiming Clocks, and the Making of English Clocks. With One Hundred and Twenty Original Illustrations., Garrard, F. J.,
London: The Technical Press, 1950. 168 pages, 120 text diagrams and photographs. "A practical handbook dealing with the tools, materials and methods used in cleaning and repairing all kinds of English and foreign timepieces, striking and chiming clocks, and the making of English clocks" Includes a chapter on electric clocks. First printed in 1914.

Clock and Watch Escapements, Gazeley, W.J, London: Newnes Butterworths, 1975
(with various other editions before and since.) 168 pages, more than 300 line drawings. "An invaluable book to all who are interested in the mechanisms of clocks and watches, especially to the craftsman who is responsible for their repair and upkeep.

Practical Clock Escapements, Penman, Laurie; 248 pages, 400 illustrations, reprinted 2003. Covers the design, construction and repair of virtually all the types of escapements found on clocks, including the anchor, brocot, deadbeat, Harrison's grasshopper escapement, gravity, pin pallet, pinwheel, platform (cylinder and lever), and verge. Includes a chapter on pendulums and suspensions.

La Bulle-Clock, Horlogerie Électrique, Belmont, H. L. London, 1989 (In French) 154 pp. Black and white illustrations. Covers history, manufacture and repair.

Electric Clocks and Chimes: A Practical Handbook Giving Complete Instructions fro the Making of Successful Electrical Timepieces, Synchronised Clock Systems and Chiming Mechanism, London: PercIval Marshall, N.D. 159 pages.

Wheel and Pinion Cutting in Horology - A Historical and Practical Guide, Wild, J. Malcolm, Ramsbury, Marlborough: The Crowood Press, 2001, 253 pages, 555 photographs, 253 pages, over 500 black and white photographs and line drawings. A step-by-step guide to an extremely satisfying aspect of horology. The text covers early methods for cutting wheels, the theory behind wheels and pinions, practical instruction on all aspects of wheel and pinion cutting and detailed information on the equipment used, both now and in the past. Very well illustrated, fascinating section on nineteenth century and earlier wheel-cutting engines and lathes, much useful detail in appendices.

Horology The Science of Time Measurement and the Construction of Clocks, Watches and Chronometers, Haswell, J.Eric; E.P.Publishing, Yorkshire, 1976 (Reprint; first published in 1929) 288 pages, profusely illustrated. "In the preparation of this book, the intention has been to explain the principles of operation and the constructional details of clocks, watches and chronometers in such a manner as to assist the student and provide a work of reference for the more experienced...the primary object of the book is to furnish technical data and information, supplemented by clear and accurate diagrams." Contents: Time Measurement; Time Recording; Pendulums; Clock Escapements; Trains, Motion Works and Gearing; Weight-Drivenlocks; Spring-Driven Clocks; Striking and Chiming Mechanisms; Calendars, Alarums and Supplementary Devices; Electrical Clocks; Types of Movements; Watch Trains; Balances and Balance-Springs; Watch Escapements; Mainsprings, Fusees and Going Barrels; Keyless Mechanisms; Chronographs and Stop Watches; Repeating Mechanisms; Epicyclic Trains; Chronometer Trains, Escapements, Balances and Other Data.

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